Monday, June 18, 2012

Rx for a Successful Farmers Market

The Art of Agriculture continues on Friday, June 29, at 7:30 p.m. with a discussion led by Jessie Schmidt, coordinator for community and agriculture programs with UVM Extension. Jessie will talk about the challenges faced by rural farmers' markets and the factors that promote their long-term success. She'll also touch on other buy-local options relevant to the Randolph area. Free and open to the public. Come be part of the discussion about small-scale agriculture in our community.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Art of Travel: Fiesole, Italy

Testa Etrusca

In 1969, after a year of living in Paris, I moved to Florence, Italy, where I got a job teaching English. I rented an apartment in Fiesole, a nearby Etruscan hill village. The next eight months were among the most pleasant of my life. Each morning I would ride my Vespa down into Florence. Each afternoon I would return to Fiesole to stroll through the Roman ruins behind the village, visit my friend the librarian at the Franciscan monastery, or read la Divina Commedia at a café under the lime trees. When I left to return to the United States, my landlady gave me this sculpture of a woman's head. She told me she had found it in the fields around Fiesole when she was a girl, and that it was Etruscan. —Tom Cooch

Tom Cooch, right, at the opening of the Art of Travel.

The Art of Travel, featuring photographs by Wink Willett, watercolors by Bonny Willet, sketchbooks by Susan Abbott and Paul Calter, and souvenirs collected by local globetrotters, is on view until July 20.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

An Evening with Club de la Grenouille

A post card collage from a bicycle trip of Holland . . . 
A signed bottle of artisanal tequila . . . 

. . . made by Eliseo Gomez of Oaxaca.

And a man's carry-all from Guatemala . . . 
These were some of the artifacts gleaned . . . 
During a gathering of Club de la Grenouille . . . 
On the eve of the opening of "The Art of Travel" . . .

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Art of Travel: Opening Reception June 8

Girl With Blue Shawl, photograph by Wink Willett
Join us this Friday from 5 to 7 for the opening of The Art of Travel. The exhibit will feature photographs and paintings by Wink and Bonny Willett, reproductions from artist Susan Abbott's travel sketchbooks, and travel souvenirs collected by local globetrotters. We'll display some of the artifacts and put others on the blog, so check back often during the next six weeks to see what turns up. We'll also be scheduling some fun travel-related evenings at the gallery, including a presentation by Karen Kane, a travel consultant who specializes in Paris and Montreal, and a talk with some of the Facebook friends who organized Sara's trip to Paris for Condé Nast Traveler in May.